Thanks for reading Peter Rodes Robinson ! You’re absolutely right, maggots are an ancient treatment for debriding a deep wound. This point actually furthers the metaphor. Because the maggots are not a permanent solution, and cannot — in and of themselves — cure a wound, they remain a part of the problem in modern day medicine.
Just like some of our initial, limited attempts at fixing problems can make things worse instead of better, maggots have the potential to worsen a pre-existing infection. On the surface maggot problems can appear to be maggot solutions, but in the end there is no evidence-based proof to support this as a viable solution. Again, “no permanent solutions” and “lacking satisfying endings.”
So we are left with treating maggot problems, even if they appear to be promising solutions, as problems because they are not a true fix. Maybe I should write a piece on problems that masquerade as solutions.
What a great insight you’ve shared. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank you.