Member-only story
The Question of Cancer
Join me . . . together we have the answer
The question of cancer is short . . . why? But it’s also infinite, almost cyclic in nature, with every answer we uncover doing nothing more than leading to the next why, whipping the our heads around in dizzying circles. Like a child on a merry-go-round at the park, cancer’s why whirls and swirls your being, loosening your grip, and throwing you to the ground.
Like this why . . . that drops me head-first into the dirt almost daily.
Why does cancer exist?
And just like the center of the merry-go-round, it’s nearly impossible to find the circumcenter of a cancer’s why. Do you remember the merry-go-round? Dragging yourself to the center of the disk while a friend pushes faster and faster? Thinking if only . . . if only you could just stay put, you’ll outsmart centrifugal force. But it’s a useless attempt, no one remains unscathed.
Especially by this why . . .
Why do some people get cancer and others don’t?
My routine treks to the oncologist are more frequent than I’d like these days. Which makes it challenging to retain a scientific mindset regarding this disease.
I try to remain cognizant that every cancer has a different etiology, a different progression and expected outcome. I try to…